Все публикации

H&M Meets the World

DO Day Countdown

IMG 1382

Thais Corral on Women Entrepreneurs

24YOU Program von Teilnehmern

24YOU Programm

The DO School Careers

DOtell: Rafael Samuel-Lajeunesse on what investors look for in a startup

DOtell: Dr. Scilla Elworthy talks about Passion

DOtell: Alexander Nolte talks about Innovation

DOtell: Pamela Hartigan talks about Finance

Lena Bielska & The DORTY WORDS Radio: feminist radio focusing on LGBT rights

The Parsnip Ship: using theater and technology to give credence to marginalized voices

Highway of Hope: exploring positivity in the slums of Kibera

DOtell: Greg Wacks on The DO School Fellows

DOtell: Greg Wacks on how brands should think about content

DOtell: Greg Wacks on what happened at Snapchat when Instagram launched Stories

Aurat Raaj: chatbot to help women face taboo subjects in Pakistan

Peking University Social Innovation DO Camp

The Apprenticeship Challenge

24YOU Programm bei der DO School

The Future of Work Challenge

The Vision Challenge

The Packaging Challenge