Все публикации

Introduction to Sociology: Chapter 1

How to Schedule Office Hours within Canvas (via Zoom)

Rio Hondo College Access Guide for T.I.M.E Community Schools Students

Introduction to Sociology: Chapter 2-Sociological Research

Introduction to Sociology: Chapter 4- Society and Social Interaction

Introduction to Sociology: Chapter 5-Socialization

Introduction to Sociology: Chapter 6- Groups and Organizations

Introduction to Sociology: Chapter 3-Culture

Introduction to Sociology: Chapter 1- An Introduction to Sociology

Editing Text on a Canvas Page

Uploading and Editing an Image on a Canvas Page

Editing a Link on a Canvas Page

SocialProblems-Ch. 6

Social Problems: Chapter 2

Social Problems Lecture: Ch. 1

SocTalkWithTheDoc Series with Activist and Actress Idalia Valles

SocTalkWithTheDoc Conversation w/ Ms. Natalie Parra, LAHC Transfer Center Counselor

Dr. Pimentel's Lecture on Attraction and Love.

Dr. Al and Montebello City Councilman Jack Hadjinian discuss the current crisis in Armenia.

Dr. Pimentel's Introduction to Sociology Ch. 16 Live Lecture

Dr. Pimentel's Introduction to Sociology Ch. 17 Live Lecture

Dr. Pimentel's Intro to Sociology Lecture- Ch. 10

Dr. Pimentel's Introduction to Sociology Lecture-Ch. 12

Dr. Pimentel's Intro to Sociology Live Lecture-Ch. 11