Все публикации

Stonewashed titanium slider

World’s finest one of a kind luxury fidgets

Slider featuring 3000 year old bog oak

Annoying or satisfying?

Titanium fidget cube

Clown top

Good luck coin

SpinningTopTom / Umburry Mokume Elements Spinning Coins

Modifying my spin stick

SpinBrick - The forever spinning top #kickstarter #lego #inventions

One of a kind bark to Burl spinning coin

SpinBrick - A Lego-like spinning top kit that spins for hours!

New SpinningTopTom spinning coin

Desktop roulette time

Precision spinning top made with reptilian damascus, dichrolam and titanium

Pocket roulette

Slinky fidget spinner

Ratchet ring

Did you get it right? #roulette

Precision tops

Verk Skelly Skills

Magnus sliders ftw

One of a kind spin stick

Satisfying af