Все публикации

My Real Name is MOMMMMM!!! #momjokes #womensday #canada

🎬 Let’s just call it a “Covideo”! Ha ha #mandalorian #2020 #parody

Best of Mom Jokes #4 #momjokes #dadjokes

Pardon My French! #utah #newyork #parody #jayz

🗑️ Push Our Garbage Off Like a Cat? #showerthoughts #deepthoughts

Eat Their Young!? #momjokes #dadjokes

Can a mom get ANY privacy!? #dadjokes #momjokes

What a Croc! #momjokes #dadjokes

💰 It’s My Money!!! #showerthoughts #deepthoughts

🎂 Celebrating Who!!? #momjokes #dadjokes

🎶 Funny State Song! #parody #aliciakeys #jayz #utah

🐟 Never Thought About That…. #showerthoughts #deepthoughts #fishing

🤜 🤛Bro Block! #knuckles #bruh #funny

Funny Urban Legend!? #momjokes #dadjokes #funny

Dads Just Don’t Get It! #dadjokes #momjokes #jokes

No Way His Truck Did That!!! #fail #failarmy #cctv

🚒 Ya know, HE’S RIGHT! #deepthoughts #showerthoughts #shortsfeed

👩‍🏫 What’s the Boiling Point? #momjokes #dadjokes #shorts

Best of Mom Jokes #3 #momjokes #dadjokes #shortsfeed

Men Are Soooo Stoopid! #momjokes #dadjokes #shortsfeed

🎁 Chris Farley as Elf on the Shelf! #snl #chrisfarley #elfontheshelfideas

🎁 Matt Foley as Elf on the Shelf! #snl #downbytheriver #elfontheshelfideas

💰Mandalorian on a Budget! #mandalorian #star wars #onabudget

💰 Mandalorian on a Budget! #mandalorian #starwars #onabudget