Все публикации

example problem /by hand shaking theorem/Discrete mathematics/graph theory

graph theory /theorem based on hand shaking theorem/Discrete mathematics

theorem based on hand shaking theorem/Graph theory /Discrete mathematics

Hand shaking theorem/Discrete mathematics

inclusion exclusion principle/Discrete mathematics

solution of recurrence relation by generating function/Discrete mathematics

solution of recurrence relation type II/discrete mathematics

solution of non homogeneous recurrence relation/ type 1/Discrete mathematics

solution of homogeneous linear recurrence relation/Discrete mathematics

mathematical induction type 3/Discrete mathematics

Mathematical induction type 3/Discrete mathematics

Mathematical induction type 2/Discrete mathematics

mathematics induction type 1/Discrete mathematics

mathematics induction type 1/Discrete mathematics

mathematical induction type 1/Discrete mathematics unit II

inference theory by conditional proof/Discrete mathematics

inference theory of predicate calculus/discrete mathematics unit I

problem based on consistency/Discrete mathematics

inference theory by indirect method

Find PCNF hence find PDNF

Find PCNF hence find PDNF

Find PDNF and PCNF without truth table

important two mark questions Statistics and Numerical Methods

Latin square design (three way classification)