Все публикации

The evolution of worldviews—embrace change and cultivate acceptance in a rapidly shifting world.

This Program Transformed My Life!

Two Degrees of Woke: The Innocent Idealist and Angry Activist

God Brings Order from Your Chaos

Revival and Reformation in America

The New Slave Owner Is a Liberal Paternalistic Government

From Gay Rights Activist to Pastor's Wife

For Some Addictions, You Repent Breath by Breath

From Jail to Jesus

An Analysis of How to Destroy a Family, Church, or Country

Nobody Ever Complied Their Way Out of Totalitarianism

Don't Memory-hole Your Past: God Was There

The Strategic and Sad Way a Great Nation Falls

Becoming a Christian Opens the Door to Your Strengths

Date the Unvaccinated

You're Either Born a Boy or a Girl: Science

Helpful Tips on How to Make Decisions, Big and Small

What Satan Means for Evil, God Means for Good

How to Make a Good Decision About Anything “In Faith”

Who You Are Has Always Been There, Though Not Mature

9/11 Is a Study in Misplaced Faith and Hard Hearts

Idolizing Others Is Idolatry

Do You Know How to Train Your Inner Voice?

How to Help Others Out of Chaos