Все публикации

Philippe Michel : Subconvexity of L-functions - Part 1

Philippe Michel : Subconvexity of L-functions - Part 2

Paul Nelson : Subconvexity of L-functions - Part 4

Lothar Sebastian Krapp : Definable convex and henselian valuations on ordered fields

Peter Stevenhagen : Class field theory - Lecture 1 -

Barbara Fantechi: Derived deformation theory - lecture 1

Johannes Söding : Fast structure and positional ortholog searching and viral metagenome assembly

Victor Magron : Exploiting sparsity in polynomial optimization Lecture 1

Victor Magron : Exploiting sparsity in polynomial optimization Lecture 2

Abbey Bourdon : Minimal torsion curves in geometric isogeny classes

Jeremy Hahn : Prismatic and syntomic cohomology of ring spectra

Inna Zakharevich : Coinvariants, assembler K-theory, and scissors congruence

Yonatan harpaz : The universal property of topological Hochschild homology

Interview at Cirm : Marie Françoise ROY

Interview at CIRM : Daouda Niang DIATTA

Inder Kaur: Hodge conjecture for singular varieties

Ulrike von Luxburg and Solveig Klepper: Clustering with tangles

Nicolas Courty: Optimal transport for graphs: definitions, applications to graph-signal processing

Olivier Benoist: Algebraic approximation of submanifolds of real algebraic varieties

Antonio Lerario: Random algebraic geometry - Lecture 1

Miruna-Stefana Sorea: Poincaré-Reeb graphs of real algebraic domains

Priyam Patel: Mapping class groups of infinite-type surfaces and their actions on hyperbolic graphs

Sebastian Hurtado Salazar: Irreducible lattices in semi-simple Lie groups of higher rank are not...

Sebastian Hensel: Fine curve graphs and surface homeomorphisms