Все публикации

27. Parting Words

26. Profile-Guided Optimizations

25. Optimization

24. Performance: Hardware Considerations

Seminar: Dynamic Metacompilation with Truffle, with Christian Humer (Oracle Labs)

23. Generating ASM Bytecode with ASM

22. JVM Bytecode Instructions

21. JVM Bytecode: Introduction

20. Tree-Walk Interpreters

Seminar: YAFL with Darius Blasband, CEO of Raincode

18. Semantic Analysis with Uranium, part 1

19. Semantic Analysis with Uranium, part 2

16. Semantic Analysis: Introduction

17. The Hindley-Milner Type System

14. LL Parsing

15. LR Parsing

13. The Pumping Lemma

9. PEG & CFG Semantics (& Performance)

10. Chomsky's Hierarchy

12. Lexing with Regular Expressions

11. Lexical Analysis

7. Parsing Combinators

8. Parsers in Autumn

3. Formal Grammars: Introduction