Все публикации

IFS and legacy burdens -- healing a 'chain of trauma'

New graphic novel offers a peek into IFS therapy process

Ep. 179: Drawing On Self Energy with Sacha Mardou

Ep. 178: Befriending Addictive Parts with Mary Kruger

Cabin with the Ancestor Meditation led by Tamala Floyd

Ep. 177: Listening When Parts Speak with Tamala Floyd

Resourcing and Parts Work

All parts welcome (but not all at once!)

Ep. 176: IFS and Dissociation with Joanne Twombly

How my “Mean Girls” part tells me I’m blended

Why is silence so triggering?

What does Self Energy feel like in your body?

Ep. 175: Somatic IFS with Susan McConnell

Somatic IFS embodiment meditation preview

Somatic IFS embodiment meditation with Susan McConnell

Parts are fluid

Befriending and updating inner critic parts | IFS

Working with critic parts in IFS therapy

Self holds space for all our emotions

Ways our firefighter parts respond to climate anxiety

Ep. 173: IFS and Climate Change with Steffi Bednarek

Ann Sinko explains Inherited Polarizations in IFS

Ep,. 172: IFS and Polarizations with Ann Sinko

One of our favorite moments from Inside Out 2: 'I was only trying to protect her'