Все публикации

Why You Should Read the Sarantine Mosaic by Guy Gavriel Kay

Orchestra Conductor Compares your Favorite Fantasy Authors to Classical Music Composers

Priority Series + A Read Along!

August 2024 Books // 9 Short Reviews!

Best Fantasy Novel of the 21st Century (so far)

King Rat by James Clavell | No Spoilers Review

Red Fury Books BOOK GIVEAWAY Announcement!

The Midnight Library by Matt Haig - Rapid Book Review #3

Red Country by Joe Abercrombie - Rapid Book Review #2

Pops: A Life of Louis Armstrong by Terry Teachout - Rapid Book Review #1

July 2024 Books // 10 Short Reviews!

From DNF to 5 Stars: Memories of Ice by Steven Erikson (Spoilers Vlog)

10 Biographies & Memoirs I Love + 5 I Want to Read

June '24 Books // 13 Books, 6 Genres!

A Difficult Book I Feel Obligated to Discuss | Roll Red Roll by Nancy Schwartzman

Summer Reading Plans | 20 Books, 7 Genres

You Like It Darker | Stephen King Short Fiction Project ep. 1

My Favorite Classic Novels (Top 10)

May '24 Books | Fantasy, Classics, Crime Fiction | 9 Reviews

A Stephen King Reader's Guide | Advice from a Lifelong Constant Reader

April '24 Books | Butcher, Sanderson, Clarke | 8 Reviews

Tigana & Tress of the Emerald Sea: A Dual Book Review (Guy Gavriel Kay, Brandon Sanderson)

Rethinking Book Reviews

7 Books I Was Wrong About