Все публикации

The Lure of the Night! - Lego Batman #29

The Joker's Masterpiece! - Lego Batman #28

Biplane Blast! - Lego Batman #27

A Suprise for the Commissioner! - Lego Batman #26

Arctic World! - Lego Batman #25

A Daring Rescue! - Lego Batman #24

Harboring a Grudge! - Lego Batman #23

Stealing the Show! - Lego Batman #22

Rockin' the Docks! - Lego Batman #21

Breaking Blocks! - Lego Batman #20

An Enterprising Theft! - Lego Batman #19

Green Fingers - Lego Batman #18

On the Rocks! - Lego Batman#17

The Riddler Makes a Withdrawl! - Lego Batman #16

To the Top of the Tower! - Lego Batman #15

In the Dark Night! - Lego Batman #14

Flight of the Bat! Lego Batman #13

Little Fun at the Big Top! - Lego Batman #12

Joker's Home Turf! - Lego Batman #11

Penguin's Lair! - Lego Batman #10

Zoo's Company! - Lego Batman #9

Under the City! - Lego Batman #8

Batboat Battle! - Lego Batman #7

There She Goes Again! - Lego Batman #6