Все публикации

Diagnostic Criteria Survey

S5E2 Myelopathy org Research Award Winnders 2023 Kajana & Aditya Made by Headliner

S5E01 Targeting Early Diagnosis with James Whatley Made by Headliner

S4E8 10 years of Myelopathy org Where next? Made by Headliner

S4E10 Targeting Early Diagnosis with Rohil Chauhan Made by Headliner

S4E9 Importance of community and support with Sheila Thomas Duggan Made by Headliner

S4E7 Core Information for Myelopathy with Irina Sangeorzan Made by Headliner

S4E6 A bus conversion on a mission with Jay Cantebrigge Made by Headliner

S4E5 Should I have a disc replacement or fusion surgery

S4E4 A Role for Cerebrolysin Novel Therapies in DCM with Ayush Sharma

S4E3 Creating practice guidelines for myelopathy, with Chad Cook and RECODE DCM

S4E2 Forming diagnostic criteria for myelopathy, with Lindsay Tetreault and RECODE DCM Made by Hea

S4E1 Tackling the onset of myelopathy, with Aria Nouri and RECODE DCM

Myelopathy.org Summer Fundraiser 2023 #DCMFundraiser #SupportMyelopathyResearch #MyelopathyMatters

Developing a Patient Education Tool for DCM Using the Delphi Method

Process Mapping


S3E8 Christmas Miracle

Myelopathy poem by @iwansadler a person with DCM and Co-founder of myelopathy.org #poem

S3E7 - What can the neck muscles tell us about myelopathy?

RECODE DCM Improving research efficency in Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy

S3E2 - To fuse or not to fuse?

S3E3 - Forming Diagnostic Criteria

Research Top Tips 5 - Toto Gronlund and Mark Kotter – Public and Patient Involvement