Все публикации

Welcome to the Doctoral Life Design Studio

Postdoc Welcome Video | Orientation

Communicating your Research with Clarity and Confidence

Winners Insights | Empower Your Pitch 2023

Empower Your Pitch Contest 2024 - Communicating the Essence of Your Research

Empower Your Pitch Contest 2024 - Information Session and Q&A

Horizons 2023 - Breaking Down Barriers: Connecting the Academy with the Broader Community

Horizons 2023 - From Outsider to Insider: Finding my Authentic Voice in an Unfamiliar Space

Horizons 2023 - My Unconventional Odyssey: Exploring Nontraditional Career Paths for PhDs

Horizons 2023 - Keynote, Turning Mountains into Molehills w/Tiffany Yu

Horizons 2023 - My Life's Work, My Story: Crafting My Professional Narrative

Horizons 2023 - Walking the Tightrope: My Story of Finding Equilibrium in Life and Career

Horizons 2023 - Beyond the Books: Cultivating Passions Outside of My Scholarship

Horizons 2023 - From Local to Global: My Journey of Taking My Career Worldwide

Horizons 2023 - Reading the Room: My Career Journey of Effective Communication

Horizons 2023 - Exploring New Horizons: My Expedition into Research Beyond Academia

Academic Job Search Series in Engineering | Preparing for Academic Interviews and Job Talks

Academic Job Search Series in Natural Sciences | Preparing for Academic Interview and Job Talks

Academic Job Search Series - Humanities & Social Sciences | Academic Interviews & Job Talks

Academic Job Search Series in Engineering- Overview and Trends- Session 1

Academic Job Search in the Natural Sciences -Overview and Trends

Exploring the Future: Academic Job Search Trends & Opportunities in Humanities and Social Sciences

#100AlumniVoices Unveiling

Navigating the Data Science Industry | Expert Secrets to Success