Все публикации

Day 72 : minimum number of swaps required to group all 1's together

🌟 Day 71: Number of Senior Citizens

🌟 Day 69: Sort the People

🌟 Day 68:Most Profit Assigning Work

🌟 Day 70: Find Common Characters

🌟 Day 67:Number of Divisible Substrings

🌟 Day 66: number of good leaf node pairs

🌟 Day 65: Height Checker

🌟 Day 64:create a binary tree from given descriptions

🌟 Day 63: number of atoms

Learning DSA: Day 62 - Handling Robot Collisions in Java

Learning DSA: Day 61 - Finding the Maximum Score from Removing Substrings in Java

🌟 Day 59:Find the winner of a circular game

🌟 Day 58: append characters to a string to form a subsequence

🌟 Day 57: score of a string

🌟 Day 56:find the minimum and maximum number of nodes between critical points

🌟 Day 55: merge nodes between zeros

🌟Day 54:minimize the difference between the largest and smallest values in an array with 3 moves

🌟 Day 53: find the intersection of two arrays II

🌟 Day 52:three consecutive odd

🌟 Day 51: remove the maximum number of edges to keep a graph fully traversable

🌟 Day 50: find all ancestors of a node in a Directed Acyclic Graph

🌟 Day 49: find the center of a star graph

🌟 Day 48:Balance a Binary Search Tree