Все публикации

HOW TO PAINT ABSTRACTS - ART LESSON ON VALUE. Making abstract pieces more dynamic and engaging

Intuitive Abstract Painting... A Challenge from one of YOU!!! Keeping Abstracts Simple but Powerful

Creating from your soul. Being inspired by what you see and how that is interpreted onto your canvas

Mark Making in Abstracts: With a Twist. using marbles to create interesting marks

Abstract Flower Acrylic Painting/ TWO Paintings / Step by Step for Beginners

Creating a Quick Loose Abstract Painting: Fun Intuitive Layering Anyone Can Paint!!

How to Paint Loose Abstract Flowers with Acrylic Paint.

Abstract Painting. Loose and Free. Pt 2. Inspired by Cy Twombly.

Black and White Abstract, a Quick Study using YOUR own marks. A Moment in my Art Studio with Me.

How I Clean My Brushes!! I use a simple process that WORKS!!

Creating a Study. It went a totally different way!!! Being open to taking RISKS.

I NORMALLY do NEUTRALS, but decided to do FULL ON COLOR!!! FOUR colorful Paintings!

I created a Painting inspired by Cy Twombly, his gestural markings in my Silent Studio Studies.

Creating Large Painting on RAW Canvas. Painting Thumbnail Sketches to inspire my larger Painting

Abstract Art // Painting in a Series // Wabi Sabi Style Painting

A Key Concept in Painting Abstracts: FOCAL POINT. Taking several smaller paintings ... larger.

CURIOUS ABOUT WHAT ART SUPPLIES I USE? See some of my art supplies I use in current pieces!!

Paint Loosely. 20 small painting starts to loosen up!!!

24' x 24' 'Neutral Math Problem' Up Close View for Gallery

24' x 36' 'Void Memories' Abstract, Mixed Media Painting. For Gallery Viewing.

WHO YOU ARE AFFECTS Your art. Finding your Artist Voice and Style. Part 2. My Journey

Finding your Artist Voice and Style. Part 1. MY JOURNEY!

Unveiling the Abstract Inspiration. Exploring my Creative Process. How I start many of my paintings

Creating Depth using VEILING technique and TEXTURE!