Все публикации

Temporary employees entitled to public as well as 2nd & 4th Saturday Holidays #servicematters #law

Domestic violence Supreme court Judgment

Regarding Quashing the F.I.R supreme court Judgment

Contractual employees regularization High court recent Judgement #regularization

consider the period of illegal termination as continuous service at the time of retirement benefits

Govt employees on probation not temporary employees cannot be terminated without departmental action

Resignation not final until its acceptance is communicated to employees #resignation

Benefit of policy regularisation must be equally granted to all eligible employees#servicematters

Criminal case details at the time of documents verification/joinning- 100% Government job

Part time/contractual employees regularization Supreme court recent Judgement #regularization

Regarding pension. Selection process started when OPS was in existence and joining after that...

temporary employee benefits. Tap to full video https://youtu.be/Fj8xAu7xYO8?si=by0kP14IPctz6y3U

Temporary/Contractual employees pensionary benefits/equal benefits Rights Supreme court Judgment

Supreme court Judgment on Recovery of excess amount and Reduction of pay scale/pension #payscale

Termination order without Disciplinary enquiry: Sc Reinstate the service with consequential benefits

SC imposes 10 lakh cost on Rajasthan govt. for refusing to Reinstate Labourer. #reinstatement

Maternity benefits to contractual employees:DHC

Thanking you for such a beautiful honour from the side of Assam clients. #advocate #servicematters

Maintenance #courtjudgement #maintenance

Period of suspension of convicted employee later acquitted will be counted for seniority & SA.

Latest High court judgement on maternity leave. #servicematters #highcourt

supreme court guidelines/law laid down in Avtar Singh Judgment. criminal cases Govt. job. #service

Government hospitals cannot discriminate in treating patients. High court.

Criminal case vs Govt job. Govt. job related doubts clearance video. #servicematters #criminalcase