Все публикации

A Day in My Life at Monash University

How I found my identity and stopped living for others

Maybe not that typical, I don’t study that much heheh…

20 study tips ✍🏻 to become THAT student academically | 4.0 GPA

The one mindset that transformed my habits.

Reacting to my fare evasion video comments

I started to eat more consciously...

getting my life back on track

I rented a luxury apartment in China for $35 a day.

I asked my High School Teacher to Teach me TikTok Dance.

This is How I Take Control of My Life at 21.

Why Success Must Have Fitness | 90 Day Body Transformation Ep. 1

Last Day of University | Cramming at Monash Law School.

3 Lessons I wish I knew as a Teenager

The 500 words that made me $137700.16 of Scholarship at Monash University.

The SINGLE Law Study Tip They're NOT Telling You

A Day In My Life At Monash University

4 hour study week.

Why I Don’t Do Readings In University

How Has Fare Evasion Become The Norm in Melbourne?

Fare Evasion — The National Sport of Melbourne

A Realistic Day in the Life of a Monash Uni Student