Все публикации

Factor Analysis and Correlations in R using Simple Script or ProjectTemplate: Example Exercise

A Cookbook for Web-Based Data Visualisations with R + Highcharter by Tom Bishop

Visualising predicted travel time differences between transport modes

Introduction to Open Science and the OSF in Psychology

Creating custom psychology reports using Excel

1.1: Introductions - Introduction to R Workshop

2.1: Packages, Summary Statistics - Introduction to R Workshop

1.2: Core Language of R - Introduction to R Workshop

3.1: Graphics: base, lattice, ggplot2 - Introduction to R Workshop

4.4: Concluding Remarks - Introduction to R Workshop

2.3: Random Variables and Functions - Introduction to R Workshop

3.3: Regression, Formulas, and Factors - Introduction to R Workshop

2.2: String Functions, Importing and Exporting Data - Introduction to R Workshop

3.2: Data manipulation - Introduction to R Workshop

ProjectTemplate and R Workflow

Introduction to Lavaan

Using R and OSF for Open Science in Psychology: Case Study

4.1: Logistic Regression and Multilevel Models - Introduction to R Workshop

4.2: RMarkdown and knitr - Introduction to R Workshop

Exploratory Factor Analysis of Big 5 Personality using R and ProjectTemplate

EFA, CFA, Reliability, Correlation, Regression using R

Example 1: Debugging RMarkdown and ProjectTemplate

Example 3: Debugging RMarkdown and ProjectTemplate

Scoring Psychological Tests with R (and preliminary data analysis)