Все публикации

Chapter 6 (Control and Coordination) Class10th (NOTES) CBSE NCERT

Question/answer Ch-11 Chemical Effects of Electric Current class-8th

Notes CH-2 Asid Bases & Salt (Science) Class-10th (NCERT)

Things/topics to remember (Economics) class-9th Poverty As Challenge

Things to remember/Topics to remember population class-9th (Geography)

Ch-2(Socialism in Europe & Russian revolution) Notes(History) Class-9th

Question/Answer Ch-3 (Atoms and molecules) Class-9th (NCERT)

Short notes for Class-9th Maths Chapter 2 (Polynomials)

Science notes Chapter-Force and laws of motion class-9th

Question/answer Chapter-1(Matter in our surroundings) Class-9th Science (NCERT)

Chapter 4(Linear equation in two variables) Exercise 4.2 Maths Class-9th (NCERT)

Chapter 4 (Linear equation in two variables) Exercise-4.1 Maths Class-9th (NCERT)

Chapter 2 (The Adventure of Toto) English (moments) Class-9th NCERT

Diary Entry Feelings after taking gift from your father

Solution Chapter-1(Number system) Exercise-1.3 Class9th (NCERT)

Herons formula Ch-10 Maths (NCERT) Class-9th

Syllabus and course structure of science for class-9th

Solutions of Ch-1 (Number system)Exercise-1.1 Maths Class-9th NCERT

Syllabus and course structure of maths for Class-9