Все публикации

A2D Facility First Global Call-for-Proposals - ​Clarifications on Received Questions

HLPF UNIDO Side event: A new era of industrial policies for accelerating achievements of SDGs

Webinar 1:“Promovendo a transformação digital de Micro, Pequenas e Médias Empresas”

Webinar 3: Industria 4 0 para pequeñas empresas

Energy Management for a Cleaner Ukraine: The Impact of UNIDO on Energy Efficient Production

SSTIC Case Study: Iran – Emergency response assistance to COVID-19

Improving PPE and medical products supply chain in Gabon and Cameroon

UNIDO recap video 2023 - the year in review

Empowering The Gambia: Catalyzing Sustainable Energy Investments Through Improved Cooking Stoves

20th session of the General Conference of UNIDO

UNIDO General Conference - 20th Session - 29.11.2023 - Chinese

UNIDO General Conference - 20th Session - 29.11.2023 - Spanish

Interview with ITU's Reinhard Scholl

UNIDO General Conference - 20th Session - 27.11.2023 - English

World Cotton Day 2023: Making cotton fair and sustainable for all, from farm to fashion

Cambodia CAPFISH: Capture Promoting local green mussel products and job creation

LKDF Forum 2023 promotional video

IVECF: interview with UNIDO's Ciyong Zou on the role of artificial intelligence and digitalization

SDG 9 Report: How is the world progressing towards manufacturing production and employment

Global Eco-Industrial Park Programme

Ibo Coffee Origins: a remote island community investing in value addition with UNIDO support

Solution sessions (People Track)at International Vienna Energy and Climate Forum LIVE, 3November2023

Solution Talks at International Vienna Energy and Climate Forum LIVE, 3 November 2023

High-level thematic plenaries at International Vienna Energy and Climate Forum LIVE, 3 November 2023