Все публикации

10 commandment: Be grateful!

9 commandment: don't be powerless over food!

#8 commandment: Learn from your mistakes

Seventh commandment: Appreciate what you have

Sixth commandment: What is your mental weight?

Fifth commandment: Get a coach!

Fourth commandment: Change your habits quickly!

Third commandment: Lose weight quickly

Second commandment: Choose what you want to eat

Second commandment: Choose what you eat

First commandment: Be responsable not guilty

WHAT IS THE 'Mental Weight'?

Keto studies

The bacon diet

Keto stuff

You are stuck?

Fat to lose weight

The keto magic pill

The intermittent fasting

Why do you have a weight problem?

How many pounds do you want to lose?

How many pounds do you want to lose?

Keto #1: What does the word Keto mean

Unboxing chips