Все публикации

I Stayed in the Cristiano Ronaldo Hotel

I Found Footballer's Secret YouTube Channels

I Tested Scam Footballer Products

I Tried to Profit Every Mystery Football Box

Does the 'Running Parachute' actually slow you down?

I Paid Footballers to Roast their Rivals

Human vs Robot at Football

I Asked National Teams for Shirts they Shouldn't Sell

Can I Break the Indestructible Football?

I Attempted the World's Hardest Football Simulator

I Tested Scam Football Products from TikTok Shop

I Played 'Football Monopoly' In Real Life

I Tried Finding the Worst Movie Footballers Act In

I Became Famous on Football Social Media Nobody Uses

I Played Every Single VR Football Game

I Tested the Weirdest Football Team Products

I Tested the Best Football Game from Every Decade

Could I Get Promoted on FM24 Touch? #ad #FM24Touch #applearcade #footballmanager #fm24

I Survived 24 Hours Using Only Club Shop Items

I Tested 1-Star Mobile Football Games

I Bought Everything Footballers Told Me To

I Asked Football Teams for Shirts they Shouldn't Sell

I Tested Every Single Football Game on Console

The Longest 'Added Time' Ever (42 Mins)