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Now I have the word 'iguana' stuck in my head. 🦎😂 #adhdmom #adhdparenting #adhdmeds #justforfun

50 ADHD medications in less than 60 seconds!! 🤯 #adhdmeds

ADHD medication does ✨SO MUCH MORE✨ than just help us focus.

When you wanna do YouTube but you have ADHD. 💀😂 #BlooperReel #ADHD #Bloopers

ADHD POP QUIZ! 💥 This one's hard! 👀 Think about it before you answer #adhd #adhdquiz #popquiz

POP QUIZ round 2: How many ADHD types exist? Hint: ring of fire isn't a type. #trivia #popquiz #adhd

POP QUIZ! 💥 This ADHD acronym stands for... Do you know?? 👀 #adhd #doompile #popquiz #adhdquiz

The science of ADHD medication side effects & why the mess with your appetite 💊🤓

ADHD Motivation Hack - How to stop avoiding your envelope mountain & pay your bills already

'That reminds me!' *talks about/does something completely unrelated* 😂 #brain #adhd #psychology

Where are you on the spectrum? 💡 #creativity #associativehorizon #ideas #adhd #spectrum #psychology

Which idea board do you relate to? 👀 FULL video up now! #adhd #psychology #ideas #associativehorizon

Why ADHD Brains Never Stop Making Connections & Having Ideas

Pregnancy & ADHD Workbook - Notion Template Setup & Tour

Hey, ADHD - Let's study! 🫠 - if I could text my ADHD, part 4 #adhd #adhdmemes #textingstory #study

'I'm going to bed' 😅 - If I could text my ADHD, part 3 #adhd #adhdmemes #textingstory #adhdtexts

How I use Notion, pt. 1 - Dynamic Cookbook & Grocery Shopping List #Notion #cooking #notiontutorial

Hey, ADHD - What's for lunch? 💀😂 If I could text my ADHD, part 2.

Trying to get your ADHD to help you clean be like... (If I could text my ADHD, pt. 1) #adhd #text

Effecto App for ADHD: Is it Legit? (Bad Ad Review)

I took an 'ADHD quiz' from a Wisey ad and got INTERESTING results

Motivation acronym for motivating people with ADHD: INCUP #adhd #motivationhacks

Why I hold my pen weird. #adhd #heds #hypermobility #adhdshorts

How to do laundry with ADHD 🧺🧠✨️ #adhd #laundryhacks #satire