Все публикации

Solving Gambler's Ruin with Martingale and Electric Networks

My Favorite Proof of Fundamental Theorem of Algebra (feat. Riemann Sphere)

Integration by Parts in 2 minutes

Harvard Qualifying Exam: On Galois Covering Spaces of Figure 8

Ep. 5 Open Sets and Closed Sets: Navigating Metric Space Topology

Ep. 4 Limit Points, LimSup, and Completeness of R^n: Navigating Metric Space Topology

Ep. 3 Convergence in a Metric Space: Navigating Metric Space Topology

Ep. 2 Least Upper Bound Property and Uncountability of Reals: Navigating Metric Space Topology

Ep. 1 Introduction: Navigating Metric Space Topology

Deformation to a Constant Loop: Brouwer's Fixed Point Theorem for D^2

Winding Around the Unit Circle: Berkeley Integration Bee (3)

Checkmating with Two Rooks on an Infinite Board

Contour Integrating sin(x)/x

Navigating Linear Algebra Ep. 10: Jordan Normal Form

Navigating Linear Algebra Ep. 9: Eigenvectors and Generalized Eigenvectors

Navigating Linear Algebra Ep. 8: Similar Matrices

Navigating Linear Algebra Ep. 7: Determinant

Navigating Linear Algebra Ep. 6: Direct Sum, Quotient Space, and Universal Properties

Navigating Linear Algebra Ep. 5: Row Reduction

Navigating Linear Algebra Ep. 4: Basis

Navigating Linear Algebra Ep. 3: Linear Maps

Navigating Linear Algebra Ep. 2: Abstract Vector Space and Series Overview

Navigating Linear Algebra Ep. 1: Introduction

Decrease That Exponent: Berkeley Integration Bee (2)