Все публикации

Tandy CM-1: A broken high-end 26khz monitor from 1984

No schematics makes repairs challenging but fun (STB Super Res 400)

What an adventure! The '12 volt' damaged SE/30 lives!

It needs to live again! This SE/30 has so many issues, so let's fix it #repair

Documenting Apple's hidden 'Test Mode' to fix a dead SE/30 #repair

I severely damaged my Mac SE/30, so let's try to fix it

HDMI video from your Apple II with this cheap and simple project (A2DVI)

DesTestMAX: A revolutionary new diagnostic ROM for the C64

Apple IIc floppy drives can be fickle things

This card claims to make your IBM PC or XT five to ten times faster (Breakthru 286)

Having fun fixing some C64s

Apple Archeology: Four barn found Apple IIc computers

Repair of an IBM PC floppy drive won't read disks (Tandon TM-100)

Is an IBM PC usable at the same clock speed as an Apple II?

A brand new XT RAM test ROM and an update on some unfixable parts

Let's overclock and improve this old 286 motherboard

Leading Edge Model D Repair

The Plexus P/20: A Fantastic Journey (Supercut)

PC Archeology: This Altima One laptop is almost totally unknown (Altima Systems)

The Plexus P/20 is now fully operational!

We made some unbelievable discoveries about this Plexus P/20!

Booting UNIX on the Plexus P/20 didn't go to plan

First power up of the Plexus P/20 dual processor UNIX system

What is this rare multi-user UNIX workstation? (Plexus P/20)