Все публикации

Homogeneous Systems of DE's with Repeated Eigenvalues

Homogeneous Systems of DE's with Real, Distinct Eigenvalues

Systems of DEs in Matrix Form

Solving Systems of DE's Using Laplace Transforms

The Dirac Delta Function

The Laplace Transform of Periodic Functions

Introduction to Convolution

Convolutions Without Calculus

Derivatives of Laplace Transforms

Special Functions: Bessel Functions of the First and Second Kind

Series Solutions about Singular Points

LaplaceTransforms: Translations on the t-axis

Laplace Transforms: Translations on the s-axis

Laplace Transforms of Derivatives

Inverse Laplace Transforms

The Definition of the Laplace Transform

Power Series Solutions about Ordinary Points

Review of Power Series

Nonlinear Models Using ODE's

Linear Models: BVP's

Spring/Mass Systems: Driven Motion

Damped Spring/Mass Systems

Spring/Mass Problems: Free,Undamped

Solving Systems of DE's Using Elimination