Все публикации

OER/ZTC Resource Review and Task List Creation

OER/ZTC Course Conversion Triage

Sum of Angles Formulas

Symmetric Matrix Eigenvectors are Perp for distinct eigenvalues

Complex Eigenpairs - Why the formula?

Eigenvalues for Symmetric Matrices

Why Determinants? with Nye!

Q Matrices - Q^TQ=I

Projecting one vector onto another

Matrix is one to one from row space to column space

Rowspace - Idea (and some proof strats)

Complete Solutions - Idea and example

Rank of a Matrix - Definition and Examples

2x2 Matrices are a Vector Space - Sketch

Addition of Functions - Why not add different size matrices?

LDU Decomposition - Example (2.6 #9)

Permutation Matrices

Singular Systems - Example (2.5 #7)

AA^T and A^TA are symmetric

Transpose as a Function

Transpose - Definition

Calculating an Inverse Matrix - Idea and Example

Linear Operators - New Perspective for Matrices

Inner and Outer Products