Все публикации

Croen - mecanwaith adborth negative, thermoreoli – CBAC (WJEC) TGAU (GCSE) Bioleg - CYMRAEG

Skin – negative feedback mechanism, thermoregulation - WJEC GCSE Biology – Sci double award -ENGLISH

Natasha's experience of studying Pharmacy at Cardiff University

Clinical Skills Facilities At Cardiff University's School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Ydych chi wedi ystyried gyrfa ym maes iechyd?

Have you considered a career in health? (With subtitles)

Ydych chi wedi ystyried gyrfa ym maes iechyd?

Have you considered a career in health?

Printing skin using Cardiff University's 3D bioprinter made from Lego

Pharmacy at Cardiff University

Osmoregulation - kidneys - WJEC GCSE Biology - ENGLISH

Arennau - Osmoreoleiddio - CBAC (WJEC) TGAU Bioleg — CYMRAEG

Strwythur yr Aren a'r System Ysgarthol - Arennau - TGAU CBAC (WJEC) Bioleg - CYMRAEG

The Structure of the Excretory System - Kidneys WJEC GCSE Biology - ENGLISH

Strwythur yr Aren a'r Neffron - Arennau - Bioleg TGAU CBAC (WJEC) - CYMRAEG

The Structure of the Kidney and Nephron - Kidney WJEC GCSE Biology - ENGLISH

Cwrdd â'r Claf Arbenigol - Trawsblaniad aren - Joe Townsend CYMRAEG

Meet the Expert Patient - Kidney transplant - Joe Townsend ENGLISH

What do pharmacists do?

Studying Pharmacy at Cardiff University - Virtual Open Day Webinar and Q&A

Beth mae fferyllwyr yn ei wneud?

Clinical Research MSc - Webinar Recording 23rd June 2021

Pharmacy at Cardiff University Offer Holder Event Recorded Live April 2021

School Tour Video