Все публикации

Aquinas on Divine Providence

How A Good Philosopher Argues

Socrates Refuses To Save His Life

Why Socrates is the Valuable Gadfly

Socrates Explains the Fallacy of False Authority

Fallacy of Begging the Question

St. Augustine on the Nature of Evil

John Locke's Simple Ideas

David Hume's Is/Ought Fallacy

Plato's Double Misery of the Tyrant

The Tyrant of Plato's Republic

The Social Contract Theory of Thomas Hobbes

The Evil Genius of René Descartes

The Point of the Story of Gyges

Descartes: I Think, Therefore, I am.

Read Philosophical Latin with Thomas Aquinas

Use quotations to lengthen your essay

The Essence of Mathematics

1 Hour Study Session for Philosophy

Lying May Not Be What You Think

Computers Are Not Capable of Human Thinking

Think Logically by Defining Terms Well

Nietzsche on Morals and Religion

Karl Marx and Materialism