Все публикации

Quantum Incursions - Level IV - Opponent has 3 Horses, 2 Archers and 1 Legion - 0% Attack Defence

Quantum Incursions - Level IV - Opponent Force - 3 ballista and 4 Legions - 0% Attack and Defence

Quantum Incursions - Level IV - Opponent Force - 3 ballista and 4 Legions - 0% Attack Defence

Level III - Opponent Force - 4 Legions and 2 ballistas - 0% AttackDefence

Level III - Opponent Force - 2 Horses, 1 ballista etc - 0% AttackDefence

Level III - Opponent Force - 3 Horses and 2 ballistas - 0% AttackDefence

Level 6. Attack using 8 ballistas. A/D 215, 155. 60 opp . 2 horses, 2 bal, 2 light. 2nd wave 3 bal.

Level 6. A/D 215, 155. 60 opponent . 2 horses, 2 catapults and 2 light. 2nd wave 3 catapults

Γυμνάσιο Ερέτριας-'Μαθαίνω για τα ΣΥΝ': Ευρωπαϊκή Εβδομάδα Αθλητισμού (2024)


Monday Morning. Gathering City , placing Catapult and One Extra Villa

Sunday Morning 2. Building 1 Villa and a Goat

Sunday Morning 1.Gathering City

Saturday Evening 2. Building 3rd Villa and an Arc

Saturday Evening 1. Gathering City

Saturday Morning 3. Building second Villa

Saturday Morning 2.Gathering City Part Two

Saturday Morning 1.Gathering City Part One

Friday Evening 2. Building 1 Tailer and 1 Villa

Friday Evening 1. Gathering City

Friday Morning - 2. Building 5 Tailers

Friday Morning - 1. Gathering City Buildings

Thursday Evening - 4. Getting last city extension

Thursday Evening - 3. Placing 2nd Goods Building