Все публикации

Umami | Self-Hosted Google Analytics Alternative for ReactJS/NextJS

Using Nginx Web Server as a Reverse Proxy

Automate Motivation | Python, APIs, Cron Scheduling, Bash Scripts

Personal AI Assistant with Python FastAPI, ReactJS & GPT-3 | Demo

Optimize Your SQL Queries | Postgres Edition

Relational Database Indexing | Simple, Compound, B-Trees

Window Aggregations | Stream Processing

How to deal with late data | Event vs Processing Time | Stream Processing

Stream Processing 101 | Basics

Kafka Delivery Semantics | At-Least-Once, At-Most-Once & Exactly-Once

Design Navigation Systems like Google Maps, Uber & Doordash | System Design

Design a Hotel Reservation System like Expedia & Kayak | System Design

Realtime Advertisement Clicks Aggregator | System Design

Design An Ecommerce Payment System | System Design

Introduction to Payment Systems | System Design

Design an Autocomplete System | System Design

Find Nearby Friends | System Design

Leaderless Database Replication

Leader Follower Database Replication

Database Replication Explained

Design Proximity Services Like Yelp & Google Maps | System Design

Row Oriented vs Column Oriented Databases | System Design

Design YouTube | System Design

Geohashing Algorithm | Proximity Search Based Applications | System Design