Все публикации

How to get your PCOS diagnosis. #pcos #pcoscommunity #menstrualhealth

A cardboard applicator that ISN’T painful?😳 #tampons #periodtips #periods #menstrualcycle

Something ❤️NEW❤️ has arrived. #menstrualhealth #sexualhealthformen #valentinesgiftideas

The Easiest Way to Boil You Cup! #periods #periodcup #menstrualcup #periodtips

2024 is the year of the corn pad. #pads #periods #menstrualcycle #periodproducts

Who created the tampon? #tampon #periodpositive #periods #menstrualcycle

The truth about big box pads❌🙅‍♀️ #periods #periodproblems #pads #periodtips

Orchyd Founders Read Product Reviews #periods #menstrualcup #menstrualcycle #periodcup

Someone get Mz. @dualipa an Orchyd Tampon.🩸#tampons #periodproblems #periods

Take control of your hormone health with Orchyd #periods #menstrualcycle #hormonebalance

It’s time to switch to the Orchyd Plastic Free Tampon #periods #tampons #periodtips #menstrualcycle

Story Time: My UTI Nightmare #urinarytractinfection #kidneyinfection #uti

Put a finger down if you use SafeFlow #periods #periodtips #menstrualcycle #menstrualhealth

GRWM on Day One of My Period #tampon #periods #periodpositive #menstrualcycle #menstrualhealth

What I wish I knew about my hormones during the holidays #hormonebalance #menstrualcycle #periodtips

How to pack your period kit on the go with Orchyd #periods #menstrualcup #periodpositive

Why does Orchyd have two types of pads? #periods #periodpositive #menstrualcycle #pads

Try Me Sampler Kit Unboxing🩸 #periods #periodpositive #menstrualcycle

Swapping my family’s period products with Orchyd #tampon #periods #periodpositive

Pack with us! Our VERY first Period Pad Order.🩸 #periods #periodpositive #pads #menstrualcycle

The truth behind the silent tampon wrapper. #tampon #periods #periodproblems #menstrualcycle

The stigma around Bacterial Vaginosis has got to go.👏 #bacterialvaginosis #menstrualhealth #periods

Meet the Orchyd Menstrual Cup #menstrualcup #periods #periodcup

Not your average period care.🩸 Shop the Orchyd Originals on the Orchyd App #periods #periodpositive