Все публикации

Top 5 characters in LEGO Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars #shorts

Top 5 worst characters in LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga #shorts

Top 5 characters in LEGO Star Wars

You can only play as this character in this level...

The best gun in LEGO Star Wars…

LEGO Star Wars' most useful character?

This game's worst character is bugged?

What happened to this guy?

What happened to the 'LEGO WIN Kid'?

Hidden blaster attack

Secret hidden attack

LEGO Star Wars’ secret combat mechanics

Why is this character even in the game?

Zam Wesell's other face

Secret attack in LEGO Star Wars

LEGO Star Wars' secret best character

Why the Gonk Droid is the best character in LEGO Star Wars

LEGO Star Wars' hidden combat mechanics

This used to annoy young me...

Is this the worst character in LEGO Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars?

Anakin isn't real...

Ships can do this too?

The worst character in LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga?

The best extra in the game?