Все публикации

What Guderian remembered?

Why was it easy for the German Army to take over countries?

Why Stalin Almost Choked When He Found Out The Price Of Shashlik

What an elite Wehrmacht fighter told me?

How did the soldier manage to shoot down an airplane with a machine gun

How training in the elite Wehrmacht was conducted?

Memoirs of a German Veteran🤯

Memoirs of a German Veteran

Memoirs of a German veteran #history

Memoirs of a German veteran

How did U.S. soldiers do without women in Afghanistan?

How did the U.S. drive ethnic Japanese in America into concentration camps during World War II?

A fake photo? #ww2

What did Americans do to their fellow citizens of Japanese descent in 1942?

Why did U.S. soldiers becoming America's property?

How many Wehrmacht soldiers were there per woman? #ww2

Why did U.S. soldiers get rid of the Dachau concentration camp guards?

Why was she caught only 35 years after the end of the war?

Why did Stalin want to send German children to orphanages?

What did the woman remember about the service?

Why Stalin arrested over 40000 officers?

Why did Stalin send Zhukov into exile?

How did German soldiers treat American prisoners of war? #shorts

What were the conditions like in the American camps for German prisoners of war?