Все публикации

Spiderman and Genesis

Father Maximilian kolbe...what does it mean to be a believer? (#philosophy bites)

the irenaean theodicy (#philosophy bites)

the problem of evil laid out #philosophy bites

criticisms of the teleological argument (#philosophy bites)

The parable of the gardener (# philosophy bites 26)

Corona virus and Mills harm principle (25 #philosophy bites)

Utilitarianism word wall (22 #philosophy bites)

Of gods and men (20 #philosophy bites)

Omnipotence (16 #philosophy bites)

Celtic art year 6 induction (14 #philosophy bites)

Minority report and free will and omniscience y8 ( 13 #philosophy bites)

Omniscience and free will (11 #philosophy bites)

Finding Nemo and Buddhist teachings (10 #philosophy bites)

Cosmological argument copleston v Russell (9 #philosophy bites )

Aristotle on God milk example (8 #philosophy bites)

Plato's cave the matrix (7 #philosophy bites)

Aristotle ethics (5 #philosophy bites)

Moral dilemmas 2 (#philosophy bites) the overcrowded lifeboat

KANTS ethical theory and the humanity formula (3 # philosophy bites)