Все публикации

Lunch 😋 time budgerigar time

Purple 💜💙💜 budgerigar boy

Happy Carnaval budgerigar lunch time happy hour OLE OLE

Valentine day lovebirds ❤️ so cute

My beautiful boy Takis The grey budgerigar,budgie, parraket ❤️

New nest for jawa sparrow new babies are coming 🐧🐧🐧

Love is .... budgerigar Grey& white in love

My lady it's not yours it's a egg from cockatiel....😂

Cockatiel new baby #greek #music #song

Cockatiels lutino yellow 💛

my lady it's not yours to big for you budgerigar with a cockatiel egg think that is her

Love in air from budgerigar lovers

My cockatiels girls ❤️❣️❤️

*i want to go out* budgerigar budgie baby want to go out from nest parrots

Baby Budgerigar yellow loutino English budgerigar budgie parrot playing with the food 😂

Yellow loutino English budgerigar parrot budgie...❣️

Feeding the girls in the nests budgerigar parrots budgies

beak keratoacanthoma Hyperkeratosis budgerigar male like a duck he is healthy & lovely budgie

New babies in the House budgerigar babies budgies baby

New budgerigars baby budgies parrots lovely birds

Cockatiel new born baby and the name is Toula

New born baby ♥️ budgerigar parrot

budgerigar happy parrots

Cockatiels & Budgerigars