Все публикации

Balanced Champ

Phase Rush Skarner

Unending is so OP! 10K Healing RAJOT!!!

Not even close...

Hollow Radiance + Unending Despair is OP

NEW Thornmail and Grasp Changes!

Ornn vs Darius Build

Opinion on Ksante Matchup

Cant kill Garen as 2.....

Coward Gwen vs Makkro

K'sante 4700 HP 320 Armor 2000 Damage W

Why Pressence of Mind over Manaflow Band

New Tank Item Changes

Sett gets Bonked


The Ultimate Gnar Combo

No Kaenic Rookern into Mordekaiser?

Challenger Flash Play

The Autofill System is a JOKE

Queue timers EUW vs Korea

Poppy fell for the cookie diff

Tank by the way

Makkro vs Challenger Vayne

Brittling will be daily 😳