Все публикации

Reflecting shocks slip lines Shock shock shocks on BLs

Ducts Diffusers and Nozzles

Ackeret's Method

Oblique Shock Solved examples Q6 and Q7

Oblique Shocks and Expansions

Example Calculations for Shock waves

Oblique shocks

Normal shocks

Dynamic pressure and total conditions equations

Introduction to supersonic flow and shock waves

Other high lift devices and concepts

Trailing Edge Devices and issues with HLDs

Leading Edge Devices

General Introduction to High Lift Devices

Technologies to reduce Compressibility effects

Discussion of Mach Number Effects shock patterns force behaviour Drag rise


Intro to Mach Number effects and Shock Waves

Mixed Boundary Layers Calculations

Calculating Laminar and Turbulent BL Properties over a Flat Plate

Laminar and Turbulent Velocity Profiles

Physical Characteristics of Laminar and Turbulent BL and BL Thicknesses

Intro to BL with Historical Perspective

Transforms Kutta Jokouski Lift Theorem Kutta Condition