Все публикации

Plant-Based Leather #ecofriendly #pineapple #leather #fashiontrends

Buy Single Bananas #banana #bananas #foodwaste #littergrant #groceryshopping

No New Clothes #fastfashion #ecofriendly #nonewclothes

Floating Solar Panels #greenenergy #solarpower #solar #floatingsolar

Clothing Overconsumption #fastfashion #buyused #secondhand #ecofriendly

Reduce Kitchen Waste #foodwaste #reusable #kitchen #littergrant #winchesterva

Commercial Composting #compost #composting #zerowaste #commercialcomposting

AI Energy Use #chatgpt #ai #artificialintelligence

Vote for Sustainability Matters at Projectforawesome.com #p4a #projectforawesome

Reuse Coffee Grounds #coffee #reuse #coffeegrounds #littergrant #winchesterva

River-Sea Chocolates- Sustainably Sourced Desserts in NOVA #ecofriendly #sustainability #chocolate

Help Us Restore Native Habitat #nova #p4a #projectforawesome

Dealing with Climate Anxiety #climateaction #climateanxiety #ecofriendly

Making History Bloom | Project for Awesome 2025

DIY Cleaning Scrub #diy #cleaningsolutions #littergrant #winchesterva

Help us Seed a Meadow in Vienna, VA #nativeplants #habitatrestoration #viennava

The Hidden Truth of Donated Clothes #sustainablefashion #ecofriendly #donate

Eco friendly Cat Litter #cats #catlitter #litterbox #ecofriendly

Reuse Mesh Produce Bags #reuse #littergrant #plasticwaste

Avoid your Microplastics #microplastics #nanoplastics #plasticwaste #ecofriendly

Ceiling Fans for Heat #emissions #climateaction #homeheating #homehacks

Community Foundation for Northern Virginia Thank-You video 🌎 #sustainabilitymatters #nova

Aquafaba Coffee Crème #foodwaste #chickpeas #littergranr #winchesterva

Sustainability for Starters Pt. 2 #recycle #recycling #plasticwaste #littergrant