Все публикации

The Rise and Fall of Peloton #riseandfallpeloton

history of rolls royce #rollsroycehistory

Quant coin explained #Quantcoinexplained

The history of Spotify #historyofspotify

Crypto News week 46/2022 #cryptonewsweek

Video about netflix #historyofnetflix

Crypto News week 45/2022 #cryptonewsweek

Crypto news week 44/2022 #cryptonewsweek

Crypto news week 43/2022 #cryptonewsweek

Crypto news week 42/2022 #cryptonewsweek

History of paypal #historypaypal

Crypto news week 41/2022 #cryptonewsweek

Crypto news week 40/2022 #cryptonewsweek

What is ´greenwashing´ #whatisgreenwashing

Apple glasses explained #appleglasses

The History of meta / history of meta #historyofmeta documentary

Starlink satellite internet explained #starlinkexplained

Web 3.0 explained / what is web3? #whatisweb3.0

Pros cons lucid air #prosconslucidair

Pros cons model s plaid #prosconsmodelsplaid

Metaverse pros and cons #metaverseproscons

Petrol cars vs electric cars #petrolvselectric

Mercedes EQS pros and cons #consproseqs

Brief history of nvidia / when was nividia founded