Все публикации

Types of Context Clues: Inference, Definition, Example, Antonym, and Synonym

Sentence Structures: Simple, Compound, Complex, and Compound-Complex Sentences

Punctuation Marks (Colon, Apostrophe, Hyphen, En Dash, Em Dash, Quotation Marks, and Ellipsis)

Punctuation Marks (Part 1): Period, Comma, Question Mark, Exclamation Point, and Semicolon

Sentence Word Order: Normal Word Order and Inverted Word Order

Cases of Personal Pronouns (with Activity)

Acronyms and Meanings of Commonly Used Expressions during Conversations

Most Confusing/Commonly Misused Words

Finding Errors in Sentences

Easy Grammar Quiz

Kinds of Graphic Organizers

Summarizing Texts (with Examples)

Recognizing Rhyming Words (with Exercises)

Vowel Diphthongs / Diphthongs (with Activity)

Vowel Digraphs (with Activity)

Homonyms (with Activity)

Cause and Effect (with Activity) 2

Adverbs of Time (with Activity) 2

Adverbs of Place 2 (with Activity)

Adverbs of Manner (with Activity) 2

Descriptive Adjectives and Limiting Adjectives (with Activity)

When to Use 'a' and 'an' (with Activity)

Predicting the Possible Ending of a Story

Parts of a Friendly Letter (with Activities)