Все публикации

Finally got my own Starlink! #starlink #starlinkinternet

Disney Princess TV Console - Fixing battery corrosion

Fixing my PS2 with Vinyl Skin Wrap - Playstation 2

Jackie Chan Cultural Appropriation DVD

How to check if your GBA Cartridges are real?

Physical media is Life - my DVDs

Spongebob Snow Globe from 2003 - Enesco

How to Ship Fragile Items - Double Box Packing

Make Sure Your Carts are Real! #gba

My FAVORITE DVD Case - The Sanwa 160

RARE Vintage Fan - The Penncrest 50 - Mid Century

Rare Floppy Disks - Seattle Disk 90s

The Best DVD Case - The Sanwa 160

For Every Business Man in the 1970s - Beachs Common Sense

Handle it! 2 Liter Soda MUST HAVE

1996 McNugget Buddies - Happy Meal Toys #mcdonaldstoy

American or Chinese? #bluetoothspeaker

1992 McNugget Buddies - Happy Meal Toys McDonalds #happymealtoys

I Think I Have a Problem... #earbuds

McDonalds Halloween Buckets from 1993 #mcdonalds #halloween

My Round1 Arcade PRIZE!

My $220 Invicta Watch Order

Thrifting Be Like #valuevillage #thrifting

Free Cheetos via Amazon #cheetos