Все публикации

Oakland Sunrise, Late August 2024

TDA - Chemistry Essentials

TDA - Our Universe is not Deterministic

TDA - Cosmological Constant

Republic Washington, Jenner, California, - Louis P.

TDA - Neutrino Flavors

TDA - Love in the Sky - Republic, WA., Jenner, CA. Louis, Sun, Rain, Clouds, Burning Heart

Mile plus UFO - Ricky Sorrells - Stephensville Texas UFO Cluster, January, 2008

TDA - #2 Mount Si Magic

TDA - CERN / lhcb Purpose & Mission

TDA - Axions, Axion Waves & Dark Matter

TDA - Charm Quarks in Protons?

TDA - Interesting Quark/Gluon, Quantum Chromodynamics Facts

TDA - The Weak Force - Basics

TDA - Scientific Overreach & The Big Bang - Stephen C. Meyer & Joe Rogan

TDA - The Roots of Karl Popper, From Disenchanted Marxist to Brahmin of Scientific Practice

TDA - Alex Unzicker: should science be separated from it’s philosophical basis? - “What is reality?”

TDA - The Big Bang is the Beginning - Sabine Sabine Hossenfelder corrects Brian Cox

Neil deGrasse Tyson Roasts Brian Greene at 2011 Carl Sagan Memorial Lecture

TDA - What is Quantum Spin? - The Science Asylum on YouTube

TDA - Gene Regulatory Networks - The John Ankerberg Show / Youtube

TDA - Epigenetics - Northeestern University School of Medicine

TDA - The Myth of Junk DNA - Discovery Institute on YouTube

Beaver Chief - Red Cedar Medicine / Circle Songs - Dreamer’s Song