Все публикации

She is Clothed in Strength and Dignity 💪👑🎭 (Proverbs 31:24-31) #god #jesus #christian #bible #shorts

She Works Vigorously🧮🪡🤗 (Proverbs 31:17-23) #god #jesus #christian #bible #shorts #faith #love #hope

The Wife of Noble Character 😍 (Proverbs 31:10-16) #god #jesus #christian #bible #shorts #faith #love

Stirring Up Anger Produces Strife 😠🤦‍♀️ (Proverbs 30:29-33) #god #jesus #christian #bible #shorts

Four Things on Earth are Small Yet Wise 🐜🦎 (Proverbs 30:20-28) #god #jesus #christian #bible #shorts

Three Things That Are Never Satisfied 🪦🏞🔥 (Proverbs 30:10-19) #god #jesus #christian #bible #shorts

Give Me Only My Daily Bread 🍞 😔 (Proverbs 30:1-9) #god #jesus #christian #bible #shorts #faith #love

Whoever Trusts in the LORD is Kept Safe 🤗🙌 (Proverbs 29:22-27) #god #jesus #christian #bible #shorts

Blessed Is He Who Keeps The Law 🙏✨️ (Proverbs 29:15-21) #god #jesus #christian #bible #shorts #faith

If A Ruler Listens To Lies 🗣👂(Proverbs 29:8-14) #god #jesus #christian #bible #shorts #faith #love

One Who is Greedy for Bribes 💰 (Proverbs 29:1-7) #god #jesus #christian #bible #shorts #faith #love

A Tyrannical Ruler Lacks Judgment ⚖️(Proverbs 28:15-21) #god #jesus #christian #bible #shorts #faith

Discernment Sees Through 👀 (Proverbs 28:8-14) #god #jesus #christian #bible #shorts #faith #love

The Wicked Man Flees 🏃‍♂️ (Proverbs 28:1-7) #god #jesus #christian #bible #shorts #faith #love #hope

He Who Trusts in the LORD Will Prosper 🙌 (Proverbs 28:22-28) #god #jesus #christian #bible #shorts

Riches Do NOT Endure Forever 🤷‍♀️ (Proverbs 27:22-27) #god #jesus #christian #bible #shorts #faith

As Iron Sharpens Iron...🪓⚒️⚔️ (Proverbs 27:15-21) #god #jesus #christian #bible #shorts #faith #love

Perfume and Incense Bring Joy to the Heart 💚(Proverbs 27:8-14) #god #jesus #christian #bible #shorts

Even What Is Bitter Tastes Sweet 🍯 (Proverbs 27:1-7) #god #jesus #christian #bible #shorts #faith

Seven Abominations Fill His Heart ❤️(Proverbs 26:22-28) #god #jesus #christian #bible #shorts #faith

'I Was Only Joking!' 🤔 (Proverbs 26:15-21) #god #jesus #christian #bible #shorts #faith #love #hope

Don't Sh**t The Messenger 🤷‍♀️ (Proverbs 26:8-14) #god #jesus #christian #bible #shorts #faith #love

Honor is NOT Fitting for a Fool 💯😤 (Proverbs 26:1-7) #god #jesus #christian #bible #shorts #faith

It's NOT Honorable to Seek One's Own Honor👀(Proverbs 25:23-28) #god #jesus #christian #bible #shorts