Все публикации

SLT Annual report - and a request regarding the next 10 years

Topical Update 5 - Outreach & Community Service - September 2024

Topical Update 4 - Outreach & Unity - August 2024

Topical Update 2 - Outreach & NZ History - June 2024

Topical Update 3 - Outreach & Reasons for belief - July 2024

Hope Project - Safety Briefing

Hope Project 2024 - 60 second promo

Hope Project 2024 - 30sec promo

Why Hope Project? It's 2024 - what purpose and what outcomes?

An illustration: What NZ pastors' groups ALREADY achieve via PARTNERSHIP

A fresh wero (challenge) to consider VISION and POSSIBILITIES between churches

Hope Project - Delivery Coordinator / pastors' group convenor meeting (November 2023)

Interview with Roy Crowne - following visit to NZ

1 Minute Nativity Christmas Story

What do Christians believe about Christmas?

#3/3. Three things required for a democracy to survive: 3. The people must be INVOLVED

#2/3 Three things required for a democracy to survive: 2. The people must be INFORMED

#1/3. Three things required for a democracy to survive: 1. The people must be MORAL

Where did the left and the right of our politics come from?

On what basis should we choose who we vote for?

The New Zealand Parliament’s first debate (1854)

The limitation of powers (& therefore faith) essential to freedom - with Woodrow Wilson & C.S. Lewis

Ronald Reagan - It’s the up and down that matters, not left and right

A politicians regard for God is our only safety - quoting Solzhenitsyn