Все публикации

Transform Your Life by Changing Your Inner Circle

Can You Do the Rehab For Your Property Yourself?

Why a Fourplex is the Best Real Estate Investment

How to 10x Your Wealth in the Next 10 Years

Interest Rate and Inflation for the Next Five Years

Is the U.S. dollar’s dominance a de facto monopoly?

Is the US in the Path of Downfall?

Is the US Debt Crisis Reaching a Breaking Point?

Impact of Shrinking Headship Rate on California's Housing Market

Higher Prices of Homes Don't Always Reflect Higher Values

Why Home Values Rise Even With a Shrinking Population

Home Prices Cross $7 Million in California

California Counties With Home Prices Over $2 Million

California Home Prices Reaching Record Highs

Lockdown Effects that Contribute to Housing Shortages

Why Older Americans Are Not Selling Their Properties

Understanding the Capital Gains Tax Lockdown Effect

Understanding the Purchase Price Paid Lock In

Interest Rate Lock In: Why Homeowners Stay Put

The Truth About Vanishing Multi-Unit Properties

Why Builders are Building Fewer 2-4 Unit Properties

Why 2-4 Unit Properties Never Bounced Back After 2008

Why Builders Abandoned 2 to 4 Unit Properties

How Prop 13 Is Altering California's Housing Market