Все публикации

GrammarFlip Overview

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A proper adjective is a grammatical part of speech that derives itself from a proper noun.

A personal pronoun (a grammatical part of speech in the English language)

An action verb expresses action; they represent the action that...?

Linking verbs are verbs that describe the subject rather than the action like other verbs.

Commas should be used when three or more items in a series are listed.

A common adjective is a grammatical part of speech that describes...

GrammarFlip Overview

An adverb is a part of speech that modifies a verb, an adjective, and another adverb.

A preposition indicates the relationship of an object in time, space, or logic to the other words

Correlative conjunctions are a grammatical part of speech in the English language which...

A coordinating conjunction is a conjunction that connects words, phrases, and clauses that...

A sentence has a compound subject when it has more than one subject, it has...

A simple subject typically refers to a person, place, or thing, who is performing an action...

There are many capitalization rules in the English language (part 2)

There are many capitalization rules in the English language

Common nouns are words for types of things, people, and places, such as “dog.'

In imperative sentences where a command is being given, the subject of the sentence is implied...

A verb is transitive when the action of the verb passes from the subject to the direct object.

A direct object is a noun or pronoun that receives the action

An indirect object is a noun or pronoun that names the recipient of the direct object and always...

When a prepositional phrase describes a verb, an adjective, or an adverb, then...

A reflexive pronoun is used when...