Все публикации

Q:20 Assertion: -5,-5/2,0,5/2...is in A.P. Reason: The terms of an A.P. cannot have both positive..

Q:18 Find the upper limit of the model class from the given distribution....

Q:19 Assertion: total surface area of the top is the sum of the curved surface area of the hemis...

Q:16 There is a green square Board of side '2a' unit circumscribing a red circle. Jayadev is ......

Q:17. 2 cards of hearts & 4 cards of spades are missing from a pack of 52 cards. What is the pro...

Q:15 It is proposed to build a single circular park equal in area to the sum of areas of two .....

Q:14 If the parameter and the area of a circle are numerically equal, then the radius of the......

Q:13. A pole 6m high casts a shadow 2√3m long on the ground then the Sun's elevation is ......

Q:10 A quadrilateral PQRS is drawn to circumscribe a circle.If PQ= 12cm , QR=15cm & RS= 14cm.....

Q:12 (secA + tanA)(1-sinA)= ..... a). secA b). sinA c).cosecA d). cosA

Q:11 Given that sin theta = a/b , find cos theta. a). b/√b^2-a^2 b). b/a c).√b^2-a^2 / b ......

Q:9 If O is centre of a circle and chord PQ makes an angle 50° with the tangent PR at the point ....

Q:8 In ∆ABC, DE || AB. If AB= a, DE=x, BE= b & EC=c. Express x in terms of a,b &c.

Q:7 (x,y) is 5 unit from the origin. How many such points lie in the third quadrant ? a). 0 b).1

Q:6 Find find the ratio in which the line segment joining (2,-3)&(5,6) is divided by x-axis....

Q:5 Two APs have the same common difference.The first term of one of these is -1 & that of the ....

Q:4 write the nature of the roots of the quadratic equation 9x^2-6x-2=0. a).No real roots ......

Q:3 The given pair of linear equations is non-intersecting.Which of the following statements is....

Q:2 The given linear polynomial y=f(x) has a). 2 zeroes b). 1zero & the zero is'3' c).1 zero.....

Q:1 If two positive integers a & b are written as a=x^3y^2 & b=xy^3,where x,y are prime members....

definition of grammar