Все публикации

RC snubber across contacts to eliminate inductive arcing

PWM control via hmi and analog feedback

Night cruising highway with slk and Tassos Krystalis

3 piston pump slow motion

cutting copper at high speed 2

cutting copper at high speed

Control dc motor with tico 772

Modicon m221 pwm output motor control

testing uni-t UT210E clamp meter with dc current

Soft starter for variac

Cnc ratrig minimill using ugsplatform is compatible with analog gamepad!

wincc flexible and modicon m221 plc simple scada application

Soldering pot from cpu heatsink

Milling a fishing lead mold

Custom pcb milling with ratrig minimill

Milling bronze on ratrig minimill with 500w spindle

RatRig openbuilds mini mill Y axis dial indicator test

Carving a sigma with homemade cnc

Homemade Arduino CNC table router

Poor man's lead mallet

Wheatstone bridge Measurements with Pontavi

Αμοργός, παραλία Καλοταρίτισσα - Kalotaritissa Beach, Amorgos

Trip switch tester - Δοκιμαστικό ρελε διαρροής

Old walh clipper cleaning