Все публикации

Why you’re so scared to be your authentic self

Vibrating at the Frequency of your Authentic Self

Giving my Shame to the Ocean

There are no misaligned decisions

Patreon Life Update Promo!

Healing Never Ends

Humility is the Doorway to God

Challenges Lead to Abundance

Ascension Symptoms: Buzzing, electrical sensations, crawling skin, irritation, feeling crazy

Why you feel exhausted after you finally surrender…

When you’re stressing over decisions…

Falling in Love with Darkness ends Suffering

You have the Power to Slow Down

You are All Spiritual Warriors!!

The Void, Death, Inner Turbulence and Navigating the Unknown (Ascension Guidance)

Ascension Energy Update | Breaking down the Personal Will, Mind getting Noisy + Becoming Present

Intense Full Moon Energies | Powerful Shifts Occurring | Bringing All Parts of Yourself Home

November 15th Full Moon Energy Update | Heart Chakra Clearing, New Beginnings, Doubting Yourself

Discovering your True Self through Adventure and Difficulty

Heading East into the Unknown ✨

Energy Update! Feeling Scattered, Floaty, Spacey, Disassociated | Deep Shadow Work Happening

How Tree Consciousness can Heal You

20 Min Guided Meditation | Magnificent Flows of Grace | Healing Deep Unworthiness Wounds

Are you Sexualizing your Emotions?